Without question a funny wedding toast can be the highlight of a reception. Adding humor, jokes, one-liners and funny quotations can help make speeches more memorable and enjoyable.
Funny Computer WallpaperHere is a checklist for preparing funny wedding toasts. These are questions that you should ask yourself before you add humor to your wedding speech:
1. Am I good at telling jokes? This is not the same question as whether or not you are funny because telling jokes is a different skill. For example there are a lot of funny people who can use sarcasm or witty responses in order to make people laugh. However, telling jokes is altogether different.
2. Ask someone whom you trust whether or not you are a good joke teller. If their responses is a quick 'yes' without any hesitation then you can go ahead and add jokes to your funny wedding toast. If there is any hesitation at all I would recommend that you do not attempt to tell jokes at the wedding.
3. Is the joke actually funny? You should test out your material especially on an older member of the audience before the wedding. What often happens is that the humor is not funny for older members of the audience. This means that it is only funny for people of your age group. I remember one speech where the best man made several jokes about the television show 'Full House' from the 1990s. Over 75% of the audience had no idea what he was talking about.
4. Is the humor appropriate for a wedding? Politics, religion and any ethnic jokes should be avoided. Again, if you're in doubt about one of your wedding jokes ask someone who you trust to get some honest feedback.
5. Has the audience heard the joke before? There's nothing wrong with using recycled material. After all, most jokes are nothing new. However, avoid using humor that has recently been on television. For example, you don't want to use a joke from last night's David Letterman show.
6. What is the right moment for a joke? if you plan to deliver a funny wedding toast, I recommend that you stack the humor at the beginning of the speech. You don't want to talk about your love for the bride and then start telling jokes. This will make your previous comments sound insincere.
This checklist will help you write and deliver a funny wedding toast. You will be able to add humor and impress any audience as long as you stay within these guidelines.
Alexander Thornton is a professional speechwriter who has written extensively about writing funny wedding toasts. You can browse our wedding speech templates at http://www.speeches-toasts.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Thornton
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